全球网络赌博平台的综合跨学科课程在头两年通过长达一学期的纵向课程,名为骨科医学知识(OMK)和骨科临床技能(OCS)。. 课程在常见的临床框架内并行运行,课程之间经常整合.


Osteopathic Medical Knowledge IA (DOM 503) – 14 credits

Osteopathic Medical Knowledge (OMK) IA occurs in the first semester of year one. 这是一个为期一个学期的多学科课程,旨在将医学科学知识引入临床框架,巩固骨科医学的实践. The OMK IA curriculum integrates the biomedical and clinical sciences, focusing on a different patient presentation each week. 总体目标是向学生介绍批判性思维,并允许一年级骨科医学学生整合和应用这些知识来解决临床问题. 另外, 学生发展协作和团队合作的技能和态度,以支持不断获得医学知识.

Osteopathic 临床技能 IA (DOM 507) – 14 credits

骨科临床技能(OCS) IA也发生在第一年的第一学期. It is a one-semester course that integrates physician 技能, and imaging with gross and microscopic anatomy. 学习者开始转变为表现出卓越临床技能的实习医生, 医学专业, 体现同理心, patient-centered medical care in preparation for clinical clerkship training. OCS IA provides students with a solid knowledge of clinical anatomy as the basis for competent and safe performance of physical examination and osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM); instructs learners in the art and skill of medical history taking; provides an understanding of human structure and function; allows students to begin to acquire a knowledge base leading to skilled differential diagnosis; and represents the foundation of osteopathic knowledge and 技能 that will be developed longitudinally throughout the learner’s medical education and practice.

Osteopathic Medical Knowledge IB (DOM 510) – 14 credits

整骨疗法医学知识(OMK) IB在第一年的第二学期进行,是一个学期的课程,是OMK IA的延续,并建立在知识的基础上, 技能, and attitudes developed by the medical scholar in the earlier course.

Osteopathic 临床技能 IB (DOM 511) – 14 credits

骨科临床技能(OCS) IB课程在第一年的第二学期进行,是一个为期一个学期的课程,继续将学习者转变为表现出卓越临床技能的实习医生, 医学专业, 体现同理心, 以病人为中心的护理. OCS IB is a continuation of OCS IA and builds on the knowledge, 技能, and attitudes developed by the medical scholar in that course.

Academic Enrichment I (DOM 575) – 11 credits

学术丰富I课程适用于没有达到预期成功完成秋季OMS-1学期任何一门课程的学生. This course is designed to help students succeed and focuses on study 技能, time management and efficiency, 考试, 临床技能, foundational medical knowledge, 研究, 和奖学金.


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OMK IA — 14 Credits and OMK IB — 14 Credits

The integrated course includes: Biochemistry, 生理学, 药理学, 遗传学, 微生物学 (Bacteriology, 病毒学, 免疫学, 和寄生虫学), 病理, Molecular and Cell Biology, Medical 道德 and Legal Aspects of Medicine, 预防医学 and 公共卫生, 循证医学, 道德, 专业, Interprofessional Education, 和研究

OCS IA — 14 credits and OCS IB — 14 credits

The integrated course includes: Anatomy (including Embryology and Histology), Osteopathic Principles and Practice, 临床技能, Physical and Differential Diagnosis, 预防医学 and 公共卫生, Standardized Patient Experiences, 模拟的经验, Clinical Experiences (or Preceptorship), 道德, 专业, Interprofessional Education, 和人文


Osteopathic Medical Knowledge IIA (DOM 612) – 16 credits

整骨疗法医学知识(OMK) IIA在第二年的第一学期进行,是一个为期一个学期的系统基础课程,将基础生物医学科学原理与知识相结合, 技能, 以及处理最常见和/或重要的患者陈述所必需的态度. 本课程采用结构化的学习活动,包括互动和教学演示, 案例研究讨论, 实验室会议, 小组讨论, 和“大查房”会议,以加强和扩大学生的理解关键生物医学和临床要素的医疗保健探索在以前的课程. The osteopathic principles of body­-mind­-spirit integration, structure­-function relationship, and the body's inherent ability to self-­regulate, 治愈, 保持健康, are prominent themes in the course content.

Osteopathic 临床技能 IIA (DOM 616) – 12 credits

骨科临床技能(OCS) IIA在第二年的第一学期进行,是一个学期的课程,作为OCS IB的延续. 本课程旨在加强和扩展学生的知识和骨科临床技能,以确保在第三和第四年的临床培训轮转期间安全胜任的实践. OCS IIA向学生介绍更先进的骨科手法治疗(OMT)方法,并将关键概念整合到初级保健的临床实践中. 学习活动与OMK II系列课程的主题和重点领域平行,包括标准化的患者体验, osteopathic manual medicine 技能 sessions, geriatrics education mentorship, 临床技能 assessment, and differential diagnosis.

Osteopathic Medical Knowledge IIB (DOM 618) – 16 credits

整骨疗法医学知识(OMK) IIB在第二年的第二学期进行,是一个为期一个学期的系统基础课程,继续整合之前的OMK课程. OMK IIB扩展和推进了与各种身体系统相关的最常见和/或重要的患者表现的基础生物医学科学原理.

Osteopathic 临床技能 IIB (DOM 622) – 12 credits

骨科临床技能(OCS) IIB课程在第二年的第二学期进行,是一个以知识为基础的一学期课程, 技能, 在临床诊断中应用更先进的概念时,在以前的课程中获得的态度, 治疗, 治疗方案. 本课程完成学生的临床前训练,促进他们发展成为优秀的三年级医学生.

Academic Enrichment II (DOM 675) – 11 credits

学术充实II课程适用于没有达到成功完成秋季OMS-2学期任何一门课程期望的学生. This course is designed to help students succeed and focuses on study 技能, time management and efficiency, 考试, 临床技能, foundational medical knowledge, 研究, 和奖学金.


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OMK IIA — 16 credits and OMK IIB — 16 credits

The integrated course includes Neuroanatomy, 精神病学, 血液学, 肿瘤学, 肺学, 心脏病学, 胃肠, 肾脏学, 泌尿外科, Reproductive (Obstetrics and Gynecology), 内分泌学, 肌肉骨骼, 皮肤病学, and longitudinal integration of Geriatrics, 儿科, 药理学, 微生物学, 传染性疾病, 放射学, Differential Diagnosis and Case Based Learning, Medical 道德 and Legal Aspects of Medicine, 预防医学, 卫生政策, 公共卫生, Interprofessional Education, 研究, 医学信息学.

OCS IIA — 12 credits and OCS IIB — 12 credits

The integrated course includes Osteopathic Principles and Practice, 临床技能, Physical and Differential Diagnosis, 老年病学实习, Clinical Experiences (or Preceptorships), Standardized Patient Experiences, 模拟的经验, Interprofessional Education, 和人文.